
Why tablets will change webdesign fundamentally

So you’re surfing on an iPad. You pay a visit to your favourite discussion board (e.g. Appleinsider) and are annoyed after hitting the wrong page in the disussion the third time. The links are to small, and you don‘t wanna use two-finger-enhancement "just to turn a page" … This pretty much sums up, why website-design has to change fundamentally in the coming months. Tablets are a nice thing, right now, the iPad is the only one, that counts (yeah, there are some Android-try-outs like Samsung’s "achievement" which got it just on par after nearly 8 months) and the surf experience has changed in less than 6 months. Sure, Mobile Safari gives you bigger fonts, but the reading experience is dependant on double tapping the text very often. The genuine discussion board is only readable in landscape mode, and even there you are forced to enhance the comments. Some websites are very complex and use even wider layouts, which isn’t helpful either, when the fonts are to small. To sum it up: Yes, surfing...

The iPad Effect

When Apple released the iPad, it had a very aggressive price point. For Apple. So all of the Apple haters and the competition thought. Then there was silence in the tablet-business for about half a year and then the first "results" from other manufacturers emerged. They all had something in common: they weren’t cheaper, they weren’t better, they hadn’t better Apps and ecosystem and their OS wasn’t ready in a lot of aspects. The result? Nearly every tester said it was a nice try, but no "iPad-Killer" at all. End of story, so far (just a couple of weeks ago HP gave up on WebOS). When we work with some of our clients, it is so remarquable to observe from time to time the very same product "innovations" attitude. Our clients have a new product and want us to make "outstanding" advertising for it. Then we’re dealing with their competition to find some sort of USP. (Yeah, even in the times of social networks and viral advertising something like an USP could...

Just give me the design data … Fragg.

Well, you probably know it, when you’re working in the creative field. You got a client, you worked for him and some day he asks you, to give him the "open data" of your creations. Well, this is some sort of a very unpleasant situation, because on one side, you don’t want to offend your client, and on the other side, you don’t want to give you’re files to another designer, who just exploits your former work (and even gets money for it). But this is not, what I want to tell you today. Let’s assume, your client wants to do the business cards of his employees inhouse. Nothing to oppose, you would assume, but in reality, you could easily end up in huge pile of non-paid work either. Let’s talk about a typical situation. 1. Client asks you for the "open data" 2. You compile the data, and send it over via email 3. Three or more weeks pass. 4. Client emails you and asks for a "word"or "other version" of your data. Let’s assume,...


»Every content website I’ve ever worked on has proclaimed the death of print, but the truth is, they’ve all been secretly jealous of old media. Why? Consumers pay for print. Advertisers pay more for print. Print, for all its ink stains and dead trees still makes money.« Derek Powazek ( Klassische Werbung und klassisches Design sind tot? (Noch) nicht ganz, auch wenn der Kampf der Verlage derzeit in der Endrunde scheint. Unter anderem mit invasiver Werbung auf Internetseiten, die dem Konsumenten regelrecht in den Rachen gestopft wird – und der Konsument schiesst mit Adblockern zurück. Verlassen Sie mit uns mal kurz den "Kriegsschauplatz" und geniessen Sie die ruhige Werbeklassik unseres Portfolios. Garantiert (fast) ohne #neuland. Hier können Sie unser "Classic Portfolio" downloaden: Classic Portfolio 2014 - INTERNATIONAL Classic Portfolio 2016_– Deutsch

Neu: iPad-WebApp des internationalen Classic-Portfolio.

Hier können Sie die WebApp für’s iPad laden (54 MByte). Funktioniert zwar auch auf dem Desktop (mit Safari oder Chrome), ist aber wegen Swipe-Gestensteuerung eher nicht dafür geeignet. Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie das auf den Homescreen Ihres...


»Das Internet? Gibt‘s diesen Blödsinn immer noch?« Homer Simpson


Internet Portfolio 2016 Deutsch Internet Portfolio 2014 English

Neu: Unser Internet Portfolio als iPad WebApp!

Open Wenn Sie nicht wissen, wie Sie eine WebApp auf den Homescreen Ihres iPad bekommen, lesen Sie bitte folgende Anleitung. Diese bezieht sich zwar auf die Classic WebApp, aber die Schritte sind (bis auf eine unterschiedliche URL) dieselben. WebApp auf den Homescreen Hinweis: Da die WebApp "live" über das Internet geladen wird, fallen in den mobilen Netzen der Telekommunikations-Provider jedesmal 7 MByte Datentransfer an, wenn Sie die App öffnen. Sie sollten die App deshalb gegebenenfalls im WLAN betrachten. Ein Download auf dem iPhone ergibt derzeit keinen Sinn, da die Anpassung dafür (noch) nicht vorhanden ist....
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